学位:博士 |
职务: |
联系电话:025-83595207 |
电子邮箱:ny@nju.edu.cn |
办公地址:鼓楼区平仓巷5号北楼207室 |
2003-2007,重庆大学建设管理与房地产学院、本科、工程管理 2007-2010,东南大学土木工程学院、硕士研究生、土木工程建造与管理 2010-2013,新加坡国立大学设计与环境学院、博士研究生、项目管理 微信公众号:PM项目管理笔记
Ning, Y., Feng, M., Feng, J., & Liu, X. (2019). Understanding clients’experience of trust and distrust in dwelling fit-out projects: An ambivalenceapproach. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. Ning, Y. (2018). Impact of quality performance ambiguity on contractor'sopportunistic behaviors in person-to-organization projects: The mediating roles of contract design and application. International Journal of Project Management,36(4), 640-649. Ning, Y. (2017). Combining formalcontrols and trust to improve dwelling fit-out project performance: Aconfigurational analysis. International Journal of Project Management,35(7), 1238–1252. Ning, Y. (2017). Identifying combinations of control strategies in dwellingfit-out projects: A latent profile analysis. International Journal of ProjectManagement, 35(5), 729-738. Ning, Y. (2017). Selecting client's project control strategies inperson-to-organization transactions. International Journal of Project Management,35(2), 212-220. Ning Y. and Ling, F.Y.Y.(2015) The effects of project characteristics on adopting relationaltransaction strategies. International Journal of Project Management. Pan, W. and Ning, Y. (2015) A Socio-technicalframework of zero carbon building policies. Building Researchand Information 43(1) 94-110.
Ning Y. and Ling, F.Y.Y. (2014) Boosting publicconstruction project outcomes through relational transactions. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering andManagement, 140(1).
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